Debiutancki longplay dadana karambolo to muzyka elektroniczna przefiltrowana przez sito eksperymentów. Poruszając się w basowej estetyce, producent odnajduje własne środki wyrazu, opierając się na klubowych, tanecznych motywach. Dla fanek i fanów niskich częstotliwości i połamanych rytmów - te 10 utworów ma maksimum punktów wspólnych dla muzyki, którą kolektywnie się jaramy.
dadan karambolo's debut longplay is an electronic music put through a sieve of experimentation. moving in the aforementioned aesthetics, the producer finds his own means of expression, based on clubby, danceable motifs. for fans of low frequencies and broken rhythms - these 10 tracks rake a maximum common points towards the music we collectively groove to.
dadan karambolo – producer and DJ from Wroclaw. A member of the SPLOT crew and co-runner the label under that name. He also runs his radio show called grit in Akademickie Radio LUZ. The main focus there was grime, but as it quickly turned out, it served as a doorway to further UK club explorations, which he tries to use as the backbone of his productions. The result can be heard on his debut EP “deers by bess”, the first release of the SPLOT label. His tracks also appeared on some comps - for the local regime label, as well as Serbian Nü Kvlture or Australian B&H Records.
@dadan.k11 @regimebrigade
credits released November 25, 2022
writing, production: dadan karambolo
artwork: _rudiscanticum_
mastering: Michał Kupicz
release, distribution, promotion: regime brigade
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